You are what you eat...
No update-me-do for a while, I’ve been busy working, doing geek things, and my lady has just relocated to my ‘hood so I’m a busy boymonkey! I’ve begun working on the research I promised on ethical shopping, which will be forthcoming!
Nutrition. A fancy-dan word for what you put in your cakehole. I’ve been thinking about it a lot – I’ve noticed a very strong correlation between eating well and performing well, both athletically and in my job as a software developer.
Several years ago, I famously once “lived on a jar of mini eggs for a week”, having been given a sweet shop sized jar and being short on both pennies and mental faculty. This is not strictly true (I believe I also ate pasta and sandwiches) but a large part of my diet was indeed the chocolately “goodness”, sacharrinely enshelled. These days, I retain my sweet tooth, but I do tend to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and favour lean meats. I feel healthier, I’m fitter, and more alert when I take care of myself rather than going on sugar benders and waking up in the seal enclosure at Bristol Zoo looking for Lion bars…
Jesus said words to the effect of “it’s not what we put into the body that makes it unclean … but what comes out of the mouth”. It’s therefore what comes out of my mouth that’s concerning me at the moment. I have an edgy, black sense of humour, I’m sad to say that sick jokes really make me chuckle. I don’t know why this is. I do also laugh at things that are basic, such as a cat sitting down like a person, or a clown slipping on some bullrushes, but a lot of badnesses spill from my mouth.
I guess this could be partly down to what I put into myself, some of the websites/forums I browse etc. Largely, though, the problem lies with me, my desire to make others laugh and thereby win their approval. What a goon!
So I’m gonna make some kind of “swearbox” app, that covers words from “brownston” to “***”, and possibly the word which so offended Douglas Adams: Belgium. A bit of Ajax, some chunky monkey buttons and a tiny backend database – be a good chance to try out SQLLite – and keep tabs on my rudosities. Let’s see if I can move from a verbal Foul Ole Ron to Captain Carrot!