Announcing Cardiff Git Workshop!
From doing Unified Diff, interviewing devs in my day job, reading twitter, and just generally chatting to people, it seems that Git is something that a lot of people really struggle with.
I know I have struggled with it!
It quite a while for Git to really “click” with me. Once it did, though, I wholeheartedly embraced this powerful and versatile version control system!
So, inspired by chatter on Twitter, I decided to set up Cardiff Git Workshop! Operating out of IndyCube Cardiff Bay, the idea is to get Git using coders together, and to discuss our projects, write some code, make some commits, collaborate….
At the start of the session, Owen Phelps (nickname: Head Chap) is going to give a 30 minute or so overview of how Git hangs together – he uses a lot of Post-It notes! This is the single best thing I’ve ever seen about Git; it really helped me to grasp some of the key concepts and really lifted a lot of the uncertainty for me.
After Owen’s given us the overview, we’ll whip out our laptops and work on our own projects (don’t worry if you don’t have a project, I can certainly chat to you, find out where you’re at, and suggest something!). Don’t know how to branch? No problem! Someone will help you. Not sure what rebasing is all about? When should you do it? What is it? Don’t worry! Someone will sit with you and help you work through a real life example.
A number of experienced Git users will be in attendance to help with these questions. There’s no charge for this session, but it’s only open to coders. If you’re a designer, there are much better suited Git course for designers!
This is a bit scary for me – I’m going out on a limb here! I’m doing it because I want to help, and I think this could be great.
If you’re interested, go and sign up over at cardiffgitworkshop.com (link removed, this page kept for posterity)