Arduino Nano Granular Drone build (with video)
I bought some PCBs from Krustpunkhippy ( https://skunkworkssystems.wordpress.com/ ) , this is the first I’ve built . It was a really easy solder.
I’m a novice at this stuff and I wasn’t sure what pots to solder on - I used 10k ones; other arduino designs seem to use 5k. Ah well, it works!
I did a dodgy socketing job so I can lift out the Nano if I want; I could solder the nano to the board I guess (not sure about doing that yet, though, they’re expensive!)
The jack socket is just floating on some wires so it’s a bit crackly.
I’m astonished this worked, like I say, I’m a novice!
The software uses the Mozzi library https://sensorium.github.io/Mozzi/
None of this is “my work” except the soldering/assembly!