Frail and faltering follower of Jesus

Shinbones Man - VF160

By Gavin Davies

Songs recorded on an old school 16 bit digital multitracker

Available on all streaming platforms, including:

  1. Spotify

Waiting on Distrokid to deploy this album elsewhere :-)

Album art

1 303 Clouds

Trying to make the TD-3 sound pretty, rather than acid. Pushing it against type!

Download 303-Clouds.mp3


2 Prepare To Engage

rd-6 with a Korg Monologue playing a guitar-style noise and a sample from a Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator.

Download Prepare-to-Engage.mp3

3 Scenario 5

Played everything live into Foxtex VF160 digital multitracker.

First layer: drums (RD-6) and bass (Deepmind 6) Next layer: chords (Deepmind 6). Not delighted with the tone here but hey I was working fast! Top layer: Vocoder (V256), which I love to play with the Korg Monologue as for some reason it works amazingly as a MIDI controller (Deepmind wasn’t having it for whatever reason)

Download Scenario-5.mp3

4 He Got Jumbled

All sounds from the Korg Monologue! Layered up one by one. It’s not perfectly in time - it’s all free played sound-by-sound, just a bit of fun :-)

Download He-Got-Jumbled.mp3

5 Swamp Shriek

Multitracked a Monologue over an RD-6 beat to create a soundscape. Recorded and mixed on a Fostex VF160 multitracker.

Download Swamp-Shriek.mp3

6 YaM22

I recorded a Yamaha DD5 drum kit (which belongs to my 3 year old!) onto a 90’s era Fostex VF160 digital desk, then layered 4 tracks from my beloved Korg Monologue (which top boy Adam kindly fixed for me recently!). All effects/eq come from the VF160, no outboard trickery.

Dunno what it is about the monologue, but it’s very much my go-to synth. I think it’s so hands-on, plus - battery powered! One less darn cable! And the batteries last a reasonably long time.

The DD5 is fun to play, so long as you keep it simple! I’ve been known to drum in my time but never been great at it, so 4 pads is about right for me!

Download YaM22.mp3

7 Backwoods

First electronic track I’ve put out that I haven’t performed and mixed live. That’s not to say I put much time into it - just over an hour I think! Recorded on a Fostex VD160. I don’t want to mix on a computer, I am in front of computers all day, so I’m trying out hard disk recording :-)

Download Backwoods.mp3

8 Padded Unit of Moog

iPad Moog Model D controlled over Midi. Experimenting with using chords in my music.

Download Padded-Unit-of-Moog.mp3