Memories of France '92 (with video)
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We went to French lands I had an ice cream I spoiled my chips though Was oil not vinegar
Innocent child times Running with friend George Playing with toy guns Sharing our mealtimes
We climbed on boulders We fished in rockpools George caught some crabs But I couldn’t look
I can’t get back there But I can take my girls How I loved my childhood And now love my darling girls
We fished on the Yannick I was seasick Le chein sont mignonne But the cake was gross
Smell of the fresh bread Go see the baker Richard riser Turns up with baguette
I read thesaurus Count to a thousand We planned a night feast I guess we slept
There was a bidet I think my mum used it In 1992 I was happy 2022 overwhelmed with love love love, with love for my darling girls How I loved my childhood And now love my darling girls