Shinbones Man - Capital D
The 29
Hype track.
The 29 Was Hype
Performed live on DrumBrute Impact. Not to be taken seriously!
Tommo Space Boy
First jam with the RD-6 and I bought another TD-3 to replace the one I sold and then regretted selling! I used the NW-1 for the “vocals”
Richard Acid Challenge
Live acid jam with a brand new Behringer RD-9 Proper enjoying the RD-9 drum machine (Roland TR-909 clone) that arrived today, it’s a real instrument with real character. It’s limited in the right sense - like, you can’t play brass on a strat, but no-one says strats suck (well, no-one who isn’t a 14 year old maniac, anyway). Richard wants a RD-9 and a TD-3. If I were Richard, I’d buy them, but then again, I did, so I’m biased.
Download Richard-Acid-Challenge.mp3
Top Boy Tommo
Tommo is a top boy, so I wrote a song about him. Unlike my other stuff, this is all virtual analog - banged out the track on my iPad using miRack whilst the kids were playing, and recorded it live with an SM58 for my vocals when they were in bed. You can hear crackling from the slightly duff XLR cable, oh well…
So, fits my “30 minute jam” pattern, but in this case, the only modular stuff I used was the little stereo splitter I built.
miRack is tons of fun, great for learning the workflow of modules, and honestly I can’t hear the difference between virtual and true analog, both are great, for me it’s more about how it feels, the flow of cables, the fun of solving problems with voltages.
Handsome Boony
Boony is a handsome, clever computerman that I know. Produced on miRack on the iPad, then layered a vocal over in Garageband.
Robbo’s Theme (en top boi)
Download Robbo’s-Theme-en-top-boi.mp3
Robbo is en top boi He wears en top boy’s hat He don’t afraid of nuffink And can backflip over that!
Just Eight Rolls
Rolls situation during a pandemic. Performed live on the modular gear. I overdubbed the backing vocals and post-produced the main vocal slightly but the performance is all live.
Markov Chain Modular
Earlier this year, I wrote a series of stories about a fictionalised version of my mate “Robbo”. These stories became increasingly silly and forumulaic, until I had the idea of feeding them through a Markov chain to generate a new story.
I then converted that story to audio using Apple Say, and dragged the clips into Garageband, then routed them out through a stereo splitter I built and through my modular gear - left side through my main rack, right side through my Neutron.
I’ll post on my blog in more detail about this - it was a lot of fun!
Any yes, this is stretching the definition of 30 minute jam - the computer side was done in advance, but the patching and recording was done in 30 minutes :-)
Download Markov-Chain-Modular.mp3
Man Like Richard
A Theme For Tommo’s Baby
A little theme for Tommo’s soon-to-be-born baby. (Tommo is a top boy, he wears a top boy’s hat). My own 1 year old “helped” me with the melody and sequencing.
I finally figured out the problem with my NW-1 oscillator! It just needed calibrating - DOH! So, channel 1 had a voltage offset (so if I flipped the switch to ‘pitch’ everything went up about a fourth), and for ages I couldn’t figure out what was going on because I was hung up on the wavetable aspects and figured it was a short circuit. Embarrassingly easy fix!