Frail and faltering follower of Jesus

Shinbones Man - Silent Fog (with video)

By Gavin Davies

I bought a Polyend Tracker off my mate and this is the first thing I’ve made on it.

This machine has a LOT of quirks. In fact, it’s made basically of quirks! It’s a totally different workflow to anything I’m used to - trackers passed me by in the 90s, although I remember a mate telling me about Renoise and thinking they sounded cool.

The workflow is really quite interesting - it’s like making music in a spreadsheet! There’s a lot of sample effects, even granular and wavetable synthesis, so I think it goes pretty deep.

The problem I would get is I’d make a couple of tracks but they get out of sync in terms of global edits I wanted to make - almost like Git remotes! So I’d spend a lot of time adjusting effects between tracks to get levels more consistent.

Anyway, this track could really use a lot more effort in mixing I think. I can export stems apparently but this is the raw export of the mixdown from the Tracker itself. In Audacity, I can see it’s VERY spiky where the kick drum occupies much of the sonic information! Still, first effort and all that, and I’ve gotten really absorbed in it a few times.

Download Silent-Fog.mp3
