Gristleiser effects pedal demo (with video)
I built this kit from https://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/product/gristle - it took me about 4 hours.
It’s a pretty bananas effect! VCA/VCF, tremolo, distortion/fuzz. The internal LFO has 4 waveforms - square, triangle, saw up and saw down (is one of those called sharktooth?). It was designed by a chap from the legendary industrial maniacs Throbbing Gristle, hence the name.
There are two internal trimpots to stabilise the triangle wave and set the filter sweep, I think I might need to get at the latter as with bias under 50% all I hear is the filter whistling so might be a bit hot. Maybe I’ll add an external pot for it?
In this demo, I show it with an RD6 drum machine, a TD-3-MO synth and some white noise from my Eurorack. I did record some guitar as well but my computer went to sleep, which stopped my XR-12 from recording. Annoying!
This would be a good pedal for live performance. There are also CV mods which would be really good for integrating it with Eurorack so I might do those.