The Great Captain
Whenever I get black pilled I remember King Jesus, and my brothers in the faith. With Jesus, I know who I am, what I am for. I have responsibilities. I have a King who rules with justice and is coming back to put all this right. Until then, I’m His soldier, and no matter how dark the battlefield gets, I want to obey. And He demands nothing dishonourable. All the wicked stuff I’ve done is drowned in His blood and I’m free, this world can harm my body, spit on me, lie about me all it wants - it can’t touch my spirit, it can never have my allegiance.
If you ever felt feels when watching Theoden’s charge, this instinct is what it taps into. We were made for Jesus. We men were made to protect, provide, lead. Even if we’re in a gulag we can lead the secret Bible study and die as heroes. Because our King is coming. And this world will be judged.
“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” - Jesus. If we live for ourselves, we wallow in defeat. Follow the great Captain and storm the gates of evil!