Vibration White Finger - Aberystwyth Era
This was a second incarnation of Vibration White Finger. I don’t think any recordings survive of the first era, with Meg singing.
This is a mix of live recordings alongside some studio recordings that Curig did.
Sean, Matt, me, and some of Price’s hair. I miss that Yamaha RBX 765a, it was a great bass!
Playing in Aber Student Union
Ben, Matt and myself
Steff and Sean putting together the 3 track demo we did. This is in my room in Aberystywyth. It stank of fish for a week afterwards due to the glue we used!
I had a printer and a CD burner so we had a little cottage industry printing these CDs on my computer!
On my bed is a Bible and an Asimov novel!
We were in the studio with Curig from Murray the Hump as producer. Guitarist Sean (pictured) was the most engaged of us all with the production side; I didn’t really know a scratch back then, but Sean had a knack for it.
Cast Iron Love Song (live) version 1
Download Cast Iron Love Song (live) copy.mp3
Cast Iron Love Song (live) version 2
Download Cast Iron Love Song (live).mp3
Kung Fu Zoom
Live Jam
Moog Unit (live)
Moog Unit
Solitary Sting
Statement of Intent
Download Statement of Intent.mp3
Stef Plays The Blues live
Download Stef Plays The Blues live.mp3
Stef Plays The Blues
Download Stef Plays The Blues.mp3
Sure Enough old arrangement
Download Sure Enough old arrangement.mp3