gavD - Wyverne Sessions
Many of these were intended as demos for my band at the time, Vibration White Finger.
Some heavier tracks like “Grind”.
SOME of my bass playing is noticeably tighter at this point than on older recordings… Some is still a fiasco! I remember I had a Behringer V-Amp and an envelope filter.
Quite interesting to hear “Digitial Mutilation”, no recollection at all of how I made that!
01 Muppet Mafia Manifesto
Download 01 Muppet Mafia Manifesto.mp3
02 Beat Some Bodies
Download 02 Beat Some Bodies.mp3
03 Breezeflash
04 Castle Walls
Shoegaze/black metal/breakcore song.
Whilst obviously most black metal bands are spiritually very dark, and I don’t recommend listening to it on that account, I’ve always loved the sound and production of black metal - the tremolo picked guitars and sheer noise of it can create an amazing soundscape. I had a guitar teacher at university - Huw Davies - who showed me how to play this way and I always enjoyed it musically speaking.
05 1A - Exercise in Harmonics
Download 05 1A - Exercise in Harmonics.mp3
06 Crew
07 Crystal beams
08 What It Is
10 Gnormous Gnome
Download 10 Gnormous Gnome.mp3
11 Grind
12 Make Way For The Bad Guy (Scott H
Download 12 Make Way For The Bad Guy (Scott H.mp3
13 Hope Stroke
14 Loverust
15 Open Eyes
16 Digital Mutilation
Download 16 Digital Mutilation.mp3
17 Airspace
18 Soul Architect
Download 18 Soul Architect.mp3