Vibration White Finger - Let's Get Familiar
Band lineup for this recording was:
- Price - studio drums (Joe Howden replaced Price around this time, and did the artwork)
- Me - bass
- Matt Rimmer - vox
- Sean Cox - guitar
- Jon Perry - trumpet (Jon also played in the Lon Chaney 5, Bleeding Lip and a number of wedding bands with me)
- Ben Joiner - sax (Ben went on to front Bleeding Lip, which Jon and I also played in)
- Stef Kilby - percussion and acoustic guitar
01 Sure Enough
02 Stef Plays The Blues
Download 02 Stef Plays The Blues.mp3
03 Kung Fu Zoom
Joe is a fantastic graphic designer, he made this logo:
I’m hosting this for archival purposes, if any of the other copyright holders object I can pull it down :-)
We did a radio interview around this time, it’s myself, Matt and Joe: