Samba Lucas vs BeatMuppet
1 Kick’em In The Back
Much of the mid-2000s era saw me beatboxing as “BeatMuppet”. This track is a collaboration with S.J. and Samba Lucas.
I’m not sure who played the post-chorus guitar hook - if it was me, then it’s the best lead guitar I’ve ever played! May it was Samba? EDIT: I checked my old website, it was Matt Miles of the Samba Lucas Band which explains why it was so good!
Hook/bass/guitar: BeatMuppet
Verse 1: Samba Lucas
Verse 2, beats: S.J.
Lead guitar: Matt Miles
Download beatmuppetsjsamba_kickemintheback.mp3
Matt, Samba and ‘BeatMuppet’ on stage as the Samba Lucas Band
2 I Lit A Fire
Man, Samba is a legend! I played bass and programmed the beats on this.
Verse 1 is Samba rapping; he also sang the chorus. Verse 2 is me.
In my beatboxing days!