Cardiff Dev Workshop – so much to do!
Cardiff Git Workshop went well, so I’m going to do some more events.
I’ve rebranded to Cardiff Dev Workshop and my current thinking is to do a workshop once every couple of months. The “mission statement”, I guess, is to help coders in the South West improve their skills, attitude and thinking through getting together to look at particular topics.
This leaves me with rather a lot to do. Would you be interested in helping with any of the following?
Create blog
Yeah, I got this, although I will need help maintaining it.
Mailing list
As I mentioned in my prior post, a mailing list is a tough gig. We’ve started one for Unified Diff (dead link removed) so I might set this one up the same.
UPDATE: Carey is going to lend a hand with this
Speakers and volunteers
I can take sessions on quite a lot of topics myself, but there’s a huge amount of stuff I don’t know or am not expert in. Furthermore, we need people who are experienced on each topic to come and help with the more advanced questions. It’s as good as we make it, basically.
UPDATE we’ve had quite a few volunteers come forward!
Graphic design
I can’t graphic design to save my life. Without Twitter bootstrap, I’d be completely hopeless! I don’t mind the site being basic, but it would be great to have a logo.
Update Karolo are helping up out with this – hooray!
Cover costs
I’m currently out of pocket to the tune of about £80 from setting up domains and hiring IndyCube. That’s not a huge amount, but I don’t have a lot of money to spare, so I was thinking of doing Pay What You Like and donating any excess to charity… Still thinking about that.
Please let me know in the comments if you can help with any of these! There’s probably a large amount I haven’t thought of yet as well so please hit me up with suggestions!