Website Redesign
New content
- I’ve finished my first Shinbones Man EP, “Red Event”. Releases 26th October 2021!
- Built an HTML5 in-browser synth, “Sonic Genn”
- I have a pure JavaScript game in the pipeline also. It uses a bespoke 3D engine using no libraries - JavaScript all the way down…
- I released 2 books recently - Git Workflow Discipline and What I Learned from my Dear Friend.
- All the “sketch” music content (the jams I do mostly in an hour or less) was buried away, so I’ve brought it into the front page
- I’m scouring old hard drives to find stuff I’ve made, I hope to put all my old bands material up from the decades
- The Flash .swf files are all now up on the site - you can play them with Ruffle - it works pretty well for most of them! I’m delighted to play my old games again!
This is all mostly for personal reasons, to have an archive; I doubt this website sees much traffic!
Design decisions
I’m sick of all websites looking the same, so I sacked off responsive design for now, so I could have a tiny bit of control and didn’t end up with the Same Old Website. I will do a mobile friendly stylesheet at some point (it’ll just inline into a single feed) but “If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.” as the Teacher tells us in Ecclesiastes 11:4!
Here’s the old look:
The new layout: