Cherub chorus pedal - Gav tries to build and mod (with video)
I bought this pedal as a kit from Fuzzdog. It took about 4 hours in total to build, and then to mod. I wacked a violet LED on there for Fashion Souls purposes! I also included the “vibe” and “space warble” mod switches.
Even though I chose a 50KC resistor for the depth pot, I found it to be an extremely subtle effect - it’s not gonna make a bass player sound like Peter Steele! I guess I’m used to digital chorus, and I did also have an EHX Bass Clone.
So, I modified it following a comment on https://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/product/cherub that someone called “Kei” posted on 23 April 2019, which states “Ver4: C6 10n- 1n C7 100n- 10n C8 100n- 10n”. The results are substantially better, but I still find it quite a subtle chorus.
If that’s what you want in a chorus, it’s a fun build and extremely well documented and laid out. But definitely go for that mod. I would also say that PT2399s can be a bit hit and miss so swapping the IC out might give different results if you’re having issues.
Having built this pedal, it does sound like a lot of the clips on Youtube of Little Angel pedals so I don’t think the subtlety is down to my build - it’s the circuit. That, and I tend to pretty much dime any effect! Now I’ve checked out more clips, I’m pretty happy with it now I’ve set my expectations based on what I’ve heard other folks playing.