If It's The End
If it’s the end of the end of the age,
Lord, make me faithful
And if it’s not the end just yet,
Lord, make me faithful
If the global counterfeit righteousness of Revelation is here,
Lord, grant me Your righteousness
And if it’s not the end just yet,
Lord, grant me Your righteousness
If the love of many is growing cold in these days,
Lord, grant me Your love
And if it’s not the end just yet,
Lord, grant me Your love
If the church is falling away from teaching Your Word,
Lord, train me in Godliness
And if it’s not the end just yet,
Lord, train me in Godliness
If this is the time where many are being deceived
Lord, grant me discernment
And if it’s not the end just yet,
Lord, grant me discernment
If the man of iniquity is soon to be revealed,
Lord, help me to serve You
And if it’s not the end just yet,
Lord, help me to serve You
If the Beast is about to start insisting on marks,
Lord, give me courage
And if it’s not the end just yet,
Lord, give me courage
For this is the day the Lord has made
Lord, give me joy
And as long as it is called “today”
Lord, let me hear Your voice
For none of us knows the hour nor the day
Lord, help me to trust You
For none of us knows the hour nor the day
Lord, help us to trust You