Squarp Pyramid faulty USB-Mini power supply diagnosis and repair (with video)
It cut out on me once, and I assumed a glitch or I knocked the USB Minijack (poor choice for a power supply IMO!)
But then it happened again the next time I used it.
Then again. Then it wouldn’t turn on at all!
I diagnosed the fault using a USB analysis tool, which cost me £50, and some breakout boards, which cost substantially less!
I was able to get it going again by reflowing the solder on one leg of what I think was an inductor.
HOWEVER given that the inductor smelled a bit burnt when I opened up the power supply, I’ll never trust this power supply again. I’ve ordered a replacement from Squarp.
Still, I’m well pleased that I got the sequencer going again - mostly I was scared I’d bricked the sequencer by turning my whole studio on at the wall instead of unit by unit! What’s best practise? I don’t know really. I’ve also ordered a power conditioner for a tiny bit more safety.