Behringer Wasp vs Doepfer A124 VCF5 Wasp Filter (with video)
I got this Wasp synth yesterday. I made a quick track on it, and Efflux of K+ was curious as to how it compares to Doepfer’s Wasp filter Eurorack module, which I also own, so in this video, I do a quick comparison where I put the same oscillator through both the Doepfer A124 VCF5 and Behringer Wasp’s external input. I drive it as hard as I can in both.
Summary: I’d say the Doepfer is WAAAAY raunchier. The Behringer is a nice synth at a great price - but the Doepfer, when driven hard, has all these sweet spots with strange resonances and harmonics.
To compare further, you could try all different waveforms, resonances, gain settings - this is just a test of the more out-there settings!
Technical note: I should have set up ducking so that when I spoke the synths got attenuated. I’m learning the XR12 by making these videos!