Shinbones Man - volcanoeffort
First I had to fix it, o’course, which you can see here.
Available on:
1 Ryan Is Cool, Actually
I repaired this Volca Sample that Ryan of @leadbylies gave me. He challenged me to make an EP on it - FINE here’s track 1!
Download Ryan-Is-Cool-Actually.mp3
2 Finger Jab
Second track recorded live on the Volca Sample I repaired that Ryan gave me. He challenged me to write an EP with it - here’s track 2!
Messing around with dance sounds here, a bit more straightforward than the last track “Ryan is cool, actually”
Recorded via a cheapo Behringer audio interface into my Cat S62 telephone. I want to try explaining that to 90s Gav!
This looks a bit clippy in the audio. It’s weird, just because the audio interface isn’t clipping doesn’t necessarily mean the phone I recorded it on isn’t clipping! Doesn’t sound too distorted on my Mac’s speakers, though, so I’ll allow it.
3 Slapdoom
Crunchy lo-fi hip hop performed on a Volca Sample that I repaired
This is track 3 of the EP Ryan challenged me to make on it.
4 Monkey Cough
I’ve been sick for 3 weeks and I’m utterly sick of it. I’m not sick of this Korg Volca Sample yet though!
Custom sample pack
Whilst I made “volcanoeffort” with all stock Volca samples, I then made my own sample pack, available here.