Frail and faltering follower of Jesus

Hand Made Metal Pedals (with video)

By Gavin Davies

I ran an RD-8 and a TD-3-MO through some of the pedals I’ve built into a Behringer Xenyx 1202 mixer that I got for less than £50 on Gear4music.

Pedals are all from Fuzzdog kits:

  1. CSound Tremolo (TD-3-MO runs thru this)
  2. Hype-R-Rat distortion (TD-3-MO runs thru this)
  3. The Verb - Box of Hall Reverb (on the FX bus of the Xenyx 1202)
  4. Echo Blue Delay (clap runs through this)
  5. Flatline Compressor (kick runs thru this)

I set up an FX return channel and then upped the FX on that for some nice feedback effects! I enjoyed that.

Download Hand-Made-Metal-Pedals.mp3

More about my pedal building hhhhhhobby