Vibration White Finger - Live at the Bay
When VWF reformed with Matt on vocals, we scrabbled to write material - and fast!
A few of the ideas in these tracks can be traced back to Monkey Snowball Fighter material, and other ideas sprouted from VWF 1.0 songs (especially Song 1 - only that and the A-team jam carried over, I think). Steff contributed a whole track and the rest was a mix of jams and riffs and melodies that everybody contributed to.
- Chris Betteley - drums
- Me - bass
- Matt Rimmer - vox
- Sean Cox - guitar
- Jon Perry - trumpet (Jon also played in the Lon Chaney 5, Bleeding Lip and a number of wedding bands with me)
- Ben Joiner - sax (Ben went on to front Bleeding Lip, which Jon and I also played in)
- Stef Kilby - percussion and acoustic guitar
I was having a great time playing in this band, every gig was a rush. It was sloppy and jammy but live, people smiled and danced, and what more can you ask? We were young, in our own little Aberystwyth bubble, and we loved it.
Live at the Bay 1999
Vibration White Finger - Live at the Bay 1999.mp3